Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thailand - Travel Advice

This is actually a warning against always believing what you read on the Internet or in guidebooks. Such sources tend to be sweeping generalizations.

My favorite examples of weird "Dos and Don'ts in Thailand" include:
  • Walking alone in the dark or in deserted areas is not recommended. Never let your belongings out of sight if possible.
This advice is so general that it can be given to people visiting New York, Bogota or Bangkok. In other words, it is a useless piece of advice.

  • Be careful when driving in Thailand. 
As if you don't have to be careful when driving anywhere else in the world.
  • Do not touch a person’s head as Thais regard the head as the highest part of the body and would not approve of it even as a friendly gesture.
Ask yourself, where in the world would you step up to a total stranger and start padding him/her on the head or spoiling their hairdo? Answer is NOWHERE. In Thailand, as elsewhere, couples, close friends, and family can touch each other on the head without it being considered an insult.
  • Do not stand still if an elephant approaches you on the sidewalk, just step aside as quickly as possible. Any attempts to spank the elephant might backfire
Wow, I'm glad I read that advice because I was just about to slap the next elephant I meet.