Ubon is at the end of the world - at least the province borders to Cambodia and Laos. Although Ubon is quite far away from Bangkok (the center of the world), it is worth a visit. Ubon has some impressive national parks; one of which is Pha Taem. Road & rail connections are good and there are daily flights, so 1-2-Go.
Pha Taem National Park (near Khong Chiam) is actually split in two. This blog is about the Pha Taem Cliff - one of several sandstone cliffs in the Phu Phan Range, which runs parallel to the (Me-) Khong River.
From the top of these cliffs, there are spectacular views across the river and into Laos. Real enthusiasts have to get up before the break of dawn to experience the seas of mist that cover the river and lowlands before the sun's rays warm things up.
The Pha Taem Cliff is famous for two reasons
1) It is at Thailand's easternmost point, so it's a vantage point from where you every day can experience Thailand's first sun-rise.
2) There are around 300 pre-historic paintings. To see this 3,000 year old cave-man art, one has to venture down the cliff, but luckily there is a clearly marked foot path to follow.
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